History of the Fox Valley Region
Mickie Parr
December 1995
I thought before Jerry and I ride off into the sunset it might be wise if I wrote a short history of how the FoxValley Region began. Basically the thought of two people. Jerry and I. We had been attending the National MARC meets, both Convention and Membership, since 1977. As the years rolled on I became more and more active on the National front, then Jerry also became involved. We did not belong to a local Region as there were none near enough to drive to if the weather turned bad. We looked around and saw many others from this area that were also attending the National meets and decided why not form our own Region, since we do attend the National wouldnÂ’t it be great if we were represented at the Directors meeting. That was how it began.
Our next step was to talk to our good friend and Model A traveling companion, Rich Carlino and asked if he
would like to be involved, his answer was yes, he'd help in anyway he could. I then set about calling, writing
and cajoling any and all local members I knew of that attended the Nationals, to asked if they would be
interested in joining a new Region. We set a date of November 11, 1980, at a time of 7:30 p. m. for our first
meeting to be held at our home. There were eight of us sitting around the dining room table that night, Jerry and I, Rich Carlino, Bill Jacklin, Charlie Lenz, Howard Herm, Audrey Flammang and her son Jim. The latter came to lend his mother support as Butch her husband was working nights and was unable for the first years to attend the meetings. Jerry and I chose the name Fox Valley because it encompassed the area we live in. Jerry and I had also written up what we considered to be a very good constitution and passed it around to the attendees. The first two Articles were passed on the spot so we could sign and send in for a Region Charter. The Charter application was signed by Jerry Parr, Mickie Parr, Rich Carlino, Bill Jacklin, Charlie Lenz, Howard Herm and Audrey Flammang. We had two more than necessary to form a Region.
The first couple of months were spent getting the Constitution passed in its entirety. By that time good weather had arrived and we began to have a great time. The Region was small but active, it wasn't a good OLE boys club as most of the wives joined too and took an active part in the everyday operations of business and well as the fun aspects. Activities were planned and executed on the spot.
Carol Jacklin found that the St. Charles Mall had a meeting room and we then arranged to move from our
home to there for the monthly meetings. A big break came when Deb who worked for Spiess at the time did a
bit of investigating as to putting on a car show, she brought her information to me, I approached the mall
officials with a laid out package, it was accepted by their board. For such a small membership we did an
impressive car show at the mall, the people there said we looked like professionals the way we moved in and
set up. We made a few dollars for our treasury, as well as brought in members.
By the end of 1981 we had seventeen members, these included Mike Bain; Charlie and Helen Bespole; Rich Carlino; John DeBates; Butch and Audrey Flammang; Howard and Carol Herm; .Bill and Carol Jacklin; Charlie and Sue Lenz; Jerry and I; and Dick and Norma Wissing, those were and are considered the Charter members of the Fox Valley Region of MARC. Officers elected were: for the short time in 1980 and 1981: Director and President, Jerry Parr; Vice-President, Rich Carlino; Secretary, Mickie Parr and Treasurer, Charlie Lenz. This remained as the slate for a number of years, no officer losing a spot until they chose not to run for re-election. Rich was the first to step down as an officer, he became our technical advisor and assisted those who needed answers on how to restore their Model A.
Jerry was the next when Mike Wiseman joined the club, he wanted to get involved so over dessert one night after the meeting, Jerry and he devised that he, Jerry would run only as Director, and Mike as President. I remained secretary for many years, until talking our daughter Deb into taking on the job for 1988. To date, 1995, the only officer remaining is Treasurer Charlie Lenz.
There are hundreds and thousands of memories that Jerry and I could share with you newer members. Most
of them really happy ones, some sad. We've seen our dream increase in membership, then we watched it fly,
and this past year we've literally watched it fly from a distance on it's own. It was a fear of mine that without
us the Region couldn't exist. I know now that it can and it makes me extremely happy to see. I hope that I
have recorded history for those who are interested.
Best of luck to the future of the FoxValley Region of MARC.
Mickie Parr
December 1995